[12] Fung Yu-Lan,Chuang Tzu:A New Selected Translation with an Exposition of the Philosophy of Kuo Hsiang.Shanghai:The Commercial Press,1933,p.43.(郭象原文为:“夫自是而非彼,美己而恶人,物莫不皆然,故是非虽异而彼我均也。”)
[13] Fung Yu-Lan,Chuang Tzu:A New Selected Translation with an Exposition of the Philosophy of Kuo Hsiang.Shanghai:The Commercial Press,1933,pp.11-12.
[14] Steve Coutinho,Zhuangzi and Early Chinese Philosophy.Burlington:ASHGATE,2004,pp.60-61.(原文:The interpretation of Zhuangzi as relativist has a long and prestigious heritage.It can be traced back to the commentary of Guo Xiang...according to Guo Xiang,it is wrong to try to change what something spontaneously is.Things,if left to work themselves out on their own accord,will work out in the way that is most appropriate for them.Everything is acceptable so long as it is left to its own devices.Thus,things and creatures wu(物)are equalized qi(齐),in so far as none can be judged better or worse just for being what it is。)